Islamic Art Festival 2024: Events at Lahore Museum
Islamic Art Festival 2024: Events at Lahore Museum
Lahore Museum لاہور عجائب گھر
International Conference on Islamic Art & Architecture
بین الاقوامی کانفرنس برائے اسلامی فن و تعمیرات
Join us for a distinguished International Conference on Islamic Art & Architecture, where we will host esteemed guests from Islamic countries and Pakistan. This conference promises an enriching and enlightening experience, delving into the diverse and captivating realms of Islamic Art and Architecture.
Nur-e-Aini: نمائش اور تذہیب: نورِ عینی
Exhibition Islamic Illumination & Illuminated Calligraphy
Experiencing the stunning world of Islamic illumination and calligraphy at Noor-e-Aini. This exhibition provides an in-depth exploration of these intricate art forms, highlighting the mastery of Islamic artists who transform words and images into breathtaking works of art.
Art of Tezhib: تربیتی نشست: فنِ تذھیب
Workshop Islamic Illumination
Exploring a classic art of decoration that honors and elevates the holy book, students will delve into the intricacies of Islamic illumination. This includes discovering exquisite geometric patterns, floral motifs, intricate border designs, and elaborate ornamentation.